good grief project

Grief can be a lonely experience, but it doesn’t have to be. This project was born out of trying to understand some of my own grief experiences and wondering how others have navigated the unwieldy, shifting thing grief can be. We grieve all sorts of things but don’t always talk about them for fear of making other people uncomfortable or not knowing what we would even say. I believe sharing those stories with others can be healing for everyone involved so I started by asking people if I could have a conversation with them about a particular grief they have known. What followed was a dive into the strange and weird things that grief makes us do, a posing of the question "what does it mean to grieve well?" and a look at the creative catalytic qualities grief can have.

I am incredibly thankful for the participants who trusted me with their stories and have allowed me to share their wisdom through this project. Each grief explored in the project included the following 4 components:

The stories shared above are just a small sample of the griefs people experience. We grieve all sorts of things including but not limited to people, relationships, geographic moves, pets, seasons, experiences, and more- I am interested in all of it. If you or someone you know would be willing to share, please click the contact button below to connect for more information on how to get involved.